Interfaith Service Festival

When: Sunday, August 4, 2024
              9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Where: The New Haven Green ( along Temple from Elm to Chapel)

Arrive anytime or plan to spend the day! Registering yourself or your group to attend as a volunteer participant helps us tremendously as we plan. Participation is free of charge and open to all ages.  We encourage everyone who is planning to attend to take a brief moment to sign up by submitting the below form. Thank you for doing so! 

More details to unfold in the near weeks to please stay tuned in with IWagePeace for updates.

Note: After submitting the form below, please leave your browser open until you see message that your form has been recieved.

IWagePeace is a Connecticut 501(c)(3) not for profit that inspires and educates Americans about peacemaking through creative interfaith gatherings, community service projects, public displays of art, and more.  Our work is made possible by your spiritual and physical presence.  We hope you'll join us.

Thank you for being part of the IWagePeace community.

381 Highland St.
West Haven, CT 06516