Save the Date!

Interfaith Service Festival - Sunday August 4, 2024 - New Haven Green

"We are all in this together."

 Why Interfaith Service?
Interfaith service addresses one of the greatest challenges facing our communities: Diversity. Who are these Jews, these Christians, these Muslims, these aliens in our midst from other lands and religions? Well, let’s get to know them. Because we are in fact “All In This Together”, we must actively seek ways of working and being together, building the bridges necessary for a diverse and wonderful community. God did not make us a single people of one language, one skin color, one size, one religion. God made us diverse. And because we are diverse, interesting, complex and wonderful, we at times get confused and offend one another. We need time together to learn and grow as a community that enjoys and respects the differences among our peoples.

Interfaith Service projects provide a fun and meaningful way of getting to know your neighbors while helping those in need. Stay tuned and stay near as the details for this year's Interfaith Service Festival are rolled out. Join us!

Let us know you'll be there !

Remember Our Slogans:

We are all in this together
We do not need to agree on everything to work together for justice and peace.
We will not let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
Humor doth the heart like good medicine

Flashback to Interfaith Service Day 2023: learn more about last years festival. 

On a beautiful summer Sunday , over 400 volunteers of all ages and of different faith and spiritual traditions converged at the New Haven Green for Interfaith Service Day 2023. Participants joined together in multi-ethnic and interdenominational groups to volunteer their time in service to community organizations, for enlightening and productive conversation and listening, enjoyed tours of the Crypt beneath the Center Church Meetinghouse, enjoyed a communal noon hour feast accompanied by live music and much more!

Read:  "An Interfaith Service Day Story"

A photo essay - Interfaith Service Day, August 2023
Narrated by Bruce A. Barrett

Founder and President, IWagePeace

Thank you to each volunteer. Thank you, each faith partner and service provider, for risking your time and good name on this audacious effort toward faith in action united against bigotry, united against antisemitism, united against islamophobia, united against white supremacy, and united against poverty and abuse of power, by Waging Peace with Justice. God made us a diverse and wonderful people. The day was gorgeous not because of the sunshine but because of the love, compassion and mercy you helped bring into that light.

Interfaith Service

Painting for Peace
& the Billboard Campaigns

Documentary Film:
"The Billboard from Bethlehem"

for Peace Tours


IWagePeace is a Connecticut 501(c)(3) not for profit that inspires and educates Americans about peacemaking through creative interfaith gatherings, community service projects, public displays of art, and more.  Our work is made possible by your spiritual and physical presence.  We hope you'll join us.

Thank you for being part of the IWagePeace community.

381 Highland St.
West Haven, CT 06516